Peasant Crown is a unique circlet in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It provides a small bonus to all attributes and has an increased chance of finding magical items. It is a low-level item that is most commonly used by characters in the early game. It can be useful for characters who are just starting out and need a little boost to their attributes and item-finding capabilities. However, it is not a particularly powerful item and is usually replaced by stronger items as characters progress through the game.
The D2R Peasant Crown provides a bonus to both Strength and Dexterity, making it an attractive option for melee classes that rely on physical damage. However, it also provides a bonus to mana, which can make it useful for caster classes that rely on mana as their primary resource.
Overall, the Peasant Crown is a versatile item that can be useful for many different classes, but it may be particularly effective for Barbarians, Paladins, and Assassins who rely on physical damage.
Peasant Crown has a drop rate of around 1 in 1000 from bosses, champions, and unique monsters in the game. The drop rate can be increased by increasing the player's Magic Find (MF) which increases the chance of finding magical and unique items.
Diablo 2 Peasant Crown is a Uniques item in the game, and there are a total of 341 D2R Uniques items on sale under this category, with prices ranging from 0.43USD to 35.9USD.
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